Disease-free Herd Maintaining a disease-free herd is of utmost importance to us. Our herd is tested negative for CAE, CL, Johnes, Brucella, and Q-fever.
Organically Raised Our goats are raised as organically as possible, with sustainability in mind. In the summer they have free access to rotational grazing on pasture as well as hay free choice. In the winter they spend most of their time in the barn with free choice hay. Does in milk, kids, and bucks in rut receive a home blended ration of certified organic barley, oats, field peas, and black oil sunflower seeds. Several mineral mixes are provided free choice: a certified organic dairy goat mineral, Redmond trace mineral salt, and kelp provided with several options of herbal vitamin and mineral mixes (Vitalerbs, Anti-Parasite Formula, Herbal Calcium Mix, BF&C Formula, and a GI detox Formula).
Parasite Control We use a home blended herbal mix to prevent and treat parasites. This mix is combined with kelp and left out free choice. In the warmer months, it is also made into a tea and put in water for them to drink free choice. Garlic and ginger paste is given weekly for boosted anti-parasitic properties. To prevent cocci in kids, they are given the herbal mix every other day starting at 4 days old and continuing through the summer months.
Homeopathy We (the humans) have been using classical homeopathy as our medicine for 20+ years, so it was only natural to continue with the goats too. In place of vaccinations, everyone is on a constitutional remedy that keeps their vital force in balance thus reducing the need for conventional medicine. Homeopathy is also used in acute situations here.
Dam Raising All our kids are dam raised and herd raised; we have found that our goats are much more healthy and socially stable when raised by their own dams within the herd setting. Dams and kids are given 1-2 weeks post birth in their own pen and are then slowly integrated into the herd full time. Kids are separated from their dams overnight starting at 2-4 weeks so we can milk in the morning. (Does are still milked twice daily starting immediately after freshening) Kids also have a creep area with additional food should they need time away from the adults.
Integrated Medicine The health and best interest of our animals is our number 1 priority. While it is our intention to limit our use of conventional medicine as much as possible, times do arise (typically a few times a year) when we use it to keep our animals healthy and happy.